moneyh“green and brown sports field illustration” by Chris Chondrogiannis on Unsplash

LIFE is a paradise!

Want to shop and party around the paradise?

``Certainly! But how?’’

Work hard. Have a will to win. Have some hopes and hobby in life.

One of the things that Gandhiji enjoyed as a hobby was to walk long distances in the open air. He said that that had helped him to a great extent in achieving his goal.

What is your hobby?

If you already have one, keep on doing it. If you don’t have any, start a hobby today. Sooner or later you will embrace success. The fruit of success is sweet. What makes the fruit sweet is the hard work. Develop a will to win. Be ready to struggle. Struggle to survive, struggle to sustain, struggle to succeed.

What is a hobby?

Hobby is a regular activity that we do in our leisure time for fun and enjoyment. It is a personal choice. Do something that you really love to do, not something what others want you to do.

Why is it important?

A job is done mainly for money. What comes along with money is stress, which may eat up your money. What you get from a hobby is what money can’t buy for you.

If someone don’t enjoy a hobby, it could be because he or she doesn’t have a hobby.

Health is wealth! Hobby helps you to have an enhanced overall wellbeing. You feel happy doing it. Anything that is done with a healthy body and healthy mind brings the best result.

Which hobby is good?

Whether it is an indoor activity or outdoor activity, every hobby is enjoyable. Compared to a non-competitive activity, a competitive activity is more likely to be beneficial for personal development. All games of sports are competitive activity. Any and every game is a test of skills and stamina. Use it since you have it, the more you do it, the better you become.

