7 Steps to Resilience

Photo by Scott Webb on Unsplash

Life has more pleasant surprises in store for you.

Rise up, recoup, restructure and regain what you have lost.

What is resilience?

Resilience is the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties, it is the ability to spring back to normal form.

What does resilience has got to do with life?

There are ups and downs in life. Challenges keep on coming, and they come uninvited.

Resilience is an unavoidable attitude for success. People with resilient character are more successful in life.

A resilient person refuses to surrender to adversity. When faced with adversity, he will find out a way to pull himself out of it.

Resilience is the hidden strength to overcome the challenges in life.

A resilient person is focused on his goals and dreams. He has a plan to succeed. He finds opportunity in every adversity.

The one with a resilient character is not worried about his unpleasant past, but, instead, he looks up to his future success.

A resilient soldier never gives up the fight, he fights untill the end.

Not only men but even creatures have this quality.

Despite the all the falls, the spider continues to work until the web is made, the bee never rests until the hive is complete, the ant never quits until he collects sufficient quantity of food for the monsoon.

You can build up resilience.Step No. 1 —

Build up resilience by believing in your skills and abilities.

Step No. 2 —

Build up resilience by regulating your self-talk.

Step No. 3 —

Build up resilience by choosing to be optimistic.

Step No. 4 —

Build up resilience by learning more skills.

Step No. 5 —

Build up resilience by strengthening relationships.

Step No. 6 —

Build up resilience by having a healthy body and mind.

Step No. 7 —

Build up resilience by choosing to smile even in crisis.

Life has more pleasant surprises in store for you.

Rise up, recoup, restructure and regain what you have lost.

